


On-time and on-budget: It's the most basic goal of any
construction project, and it's particularly important for educational
facilities, where delays and cost overages can impact each student's
opportunity to learn and achieve.
Thomas & Williamson is a construction program management firm with
proven experience in helping schools manage their improvement
projects. We offer school districts a distinct advantage: educational
facilities are our primary specialty, not a sideline business. We can
help you create learning and extracurricular environments that help
students thrive.
We have helped school districts:
- reduce construction costs.
- improve facilities in a way that addresses current needs and
anticipates future needs.
- create a construction schedule that gets the job done faster and
with lower impact.
- complete major multiple projects at different locations all
at the same time.
As those in charge of school districts, you have promises to uphold to
students, parents, and taxpayers. As your partner, we take responsibility
for those promises, while keeping a watchful eye on the
budget, schedule and quality through it all.
Explore our site to learn how, or contact us to discuss your school's

