


Ingomar Elementary School

Services: Construction Management
Client: North Allegheny School District
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Project Cost: $6.8 Million
A 1950s construction and several subsequent additions to the Ingomar
school had resulted in a facility with lots of space, but little
congruity. The building also required a reallocation of space so that
it could best meet the school's educational programming
The building now includes the following new features
- A redesigned library/media center and administration office, which services as the "heart" of the facility.
- Expanded administration offices that allow administrative personnel to be located in one common space
- A multi-purpose room, kitchen, three classrooms, a boiler room.
Through careful reassignment of space, the building capacity was
increased from 375 to 550 FTE. In addition, clear communication
channels and a strong collaborative effort enabled the team to finish
the project almost one month earlier than scheduled.

